Although Elizabeth had been thinking of it since encountering Sonya and her acquaintance sparring. She not have found time to spar with anyone yet - part of her had held back on doing so given how long it had been since she'd crossed swords with anyone even in practice. There was no shame in losing to someone more skilled when it was mere practice
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Since Reynald had been born in the middle of the heaviest blizzard Jeyne could remember on the island, perhaps it was only fitting that he was so enthralled by snow now. He would stay outside in it all day if Jeyne would let him. Because she feared he would get sick again, she didn't, but she did let him stay out as long as she dared. Reynald
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Combeferre had long had a love of teaching, though it was no skill he had ever exercised in as formal a capacity as he did these days. He was not only quite often the most well-read in any circle (a small feat among his well-educated and lawyered friends), but also the one most likely to espouse some fact he had recently learned on any ears
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When their normally healthy, sweet-tempered child wakes cross and feverish, Jeyne and Robb take him to the clinic, where Combeferre takes a look at him and declares a mild case of flu.
It had hardly been the first foolhardy thing she had done and she doubted it would be the last. But agreeing to look after her own child had looked sensible enough at outset
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Jeyne and Elizabeth wake up in the town of Shipwreck in Shipwreck Cove on Shipwreck Island. Jeyne is scared to death and Elizabeth is annoyed. A quick appearance by Jack Sparrow doesn't help matters but it does give Elizabeth an idea--since she can't face the Brethren Court in her current state of advanced pregnancy, Jeyne will have to pretend to
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Immediately after fleeing from Sandor Clegane Sansa tells Caspian about her encounter with the Hound during opposite plot. Caspian is unimpressed and resolves to have a word with Clegane but they are both distracted by their daughter who decides to decorate Caspian with ribbons for fun just in time for Susan and Rickon to arrive and see Caspian's
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If Jeyne had still been inclined to pray to the Seven, she would have thanked the Mother every day that Reynald was a healthy, happy, easygoing baby. Of course he cried and fussed at times as any baby did, but it was almost always due to being hungry or tired and he was easily soothed, unlike his cousin Rickon who seemed to drive his mother to
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